Our Story

Once upon a time in 2017, right here in Austin

Dr. Brandon Hedgecock was running his general dental practice here in South Austin. A family member who had sleep apnea, but wouldn't use their CPAP machine, asked Dr. H to make him an Oral Device as a last effort to control his sleep apnea. So Dr. Hedgecock made it.

Dr. H never could have known what would happen next...

Not only did the device treat the sleep apnea, but the family member was able to get off several medications for blood pressure and diabetes. The family member turned his entire life and health story in a different direction. The Oral Device had literally changed his life!

From then on, Dr. H was on a Mission...

Dr. H pulled in his business partner, Dr. Max Kerr, and together they committed to figuring out how to change as many lives as possible with precision Oral Device therapy in Austin.

Dr. Kerr is now another driving force behind our passion to help people improve their health.

There's been a steep learning curve, but we are now proud to say we are helping thousands of people here in Austin every year take their lives back through treating their sleep apnea.

Where we are going from here...

We have a big goal: help 20,000 people treat their sleep apnea with a precision Oral Device. That means we need to find more partners and generate more awareness about this life changing treatment for the disease of sleep apnea.

Our Sleep Specialists and teams are excited about the possibilities ahead, and we can't wait to share our journey to 20,000 lives changed (and beyond), with you!

When you read our patient's first hand stories below, you'll see why we are so passionate about letting the entire Austin area have access to this care.

Real Patient Stories

a man in his 50s talking about how an oral device mouthpiece appliance treated his sleep apnea

No More naps

"I struggled with using a CPAP until I just gave up. Then my dentist told me to see a Sleep Dentist. I feel better than I've felt my whole life."


Design Entreprenuer

"I'm not having that groggy, I don't want to get out of bed, miserable feeling. I don't hit 'snooze' anymore!  Now I'm often awake before my alarm."

a woman talking about how her oral device appliance mouthpiece helped her get better sleep

Keeping up with the girls

"I have not had a single flutter of Heart Arrythmia since getting on my oral device. Not only that, but now when I go on vacation with my girlfriends, I'm the one dragging them around!"

a man in his 30s talking about how an oral device appliance mouthpiece stopped his snoing.

no longer sleeping on the couch

"My device has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced my snoring. My wife is a lot happier, and I don't need a nap every day afer work."

Our Locations

We got you covered. No matter what neighborhood of Austin you are from.

Admin Hours
Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm
Clinic  Hours
Varies by location,
please call ahead.

Call us at 512-215-4350

Have questions? Want to schedule a consult? Want to know how we may be able to help you with your sleep issues? Send us a message and we will get back to you within 1 working day.

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Trusted by Doctors all over Austin.