a person who need to stop snoring

Why is Snoring so bad for your health?

The risk of Sleep Apnea is real, but it goes further...

We want to be clear- snoring can be a serious indicator of sleep apnea, which is a life threatening disease. If you are snoring, you should at least rule out sleep apnea via a sleep test. Additionally, researchers have also found several found health risks for snoring independent of the risks of Sleep Apnea:

Hardening of the Arteries

Increased Risk of Heart Attack

Increased Risk of Stroke

Sleep Divorce

Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure

Heavy snoring significantly increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis [hardening of the arteries]
January 9, 2008

As Far back as 1995 researchers knew that "Heavy snoring significantly increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis, and the increase is independent of other risk factors, including measures of nocturnal hypoxia and obstructive sleep apnea severity. Considering the high prevalence of snoring in the community, these findings have substantial public health implications for the management of carotid atherosclerosis and the prevention of stroke."

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Habitual snoring carries a significant risk factor for stoke
Acta Neurol Scand
July 1, 1995

The risk of ischemic stoke was higher among older male patients with arterial hypertension who always snored.

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Snoring significantly increased the risk of hypertension in both men and women
Sleep Medicine
December 1, 2021

The results showed that compared with non-snoring participants, snoring significantly increased the risk of hypertension in both men and women

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Snoring may increase your inflammatory response [such as in allergies]
October 1, 2005

A mechanical vibration simulating snoring triggered an inflammatory cascade, as reflected by the increase in IL-8 release mediated by MAPK pathways.

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Snoring is associated with up to a 46% increased risk of stroke.
Frontiers in Neurology
April 1, 2021

Conclusions: Snoring is associated with a significantly increased risk for stroke, up to 46%. The importance of the current study lies in that we provide an imputes to take a more active approach against the increased risk of stroke in snorers.

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Electron microscopy revealed that vibration for 9 days produced loss and thinning of endothelial cells, with activated platelets coating the exposed subendothelial tissue.
Muscle Nerve
April 1, 2002

These findings indicate that early injury involves vasoconstriction and denuding of the arterial endothelium.

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Sleep Test FAQs

Do I have to go to a Sleep Lab or other Facility to get a Sleep Test?

Are Home Sleep Tests comfortable?

Do Doctors Trust Home Sleep Tests?

Are Home Sleep Tests Accurate?

How much does an HST cost?

How long is a sleep test good for?

What Symptoms are a red flag for Sleep Apnea?

Does a Home Sleep Test hurt?

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