Answers to Common Sleep Apnea Questions
Sleep Apnea is common at any age. A common misconception is that Sleep Apnea doesn't occur in younger people. This is simply not true. While Sleep Apnea may be more likely as you age, the onset of the disease has much more to do with the size of your airway than your age. Many environmental factors are contributing to a documented reduction in the size of the human jaw and airway. This reduction is making Sleep Apnea more common regardless of age. The tongue is one of the largest obstructors in the airway, which is why Oral Devices can be so effective in keeping Sleep Apnea treated.
Schedule a Home Sleep Apnea TestSurprisingly, yes. Often the arousals caused by Sleep Apnea events are enough to bring you out of deep sleep stages, but not bring you back to consciousness. People can have very severe sleep apnea and not be aware of it at all.
Schedule a Home Sleep Apnea TestSleep Apnea can occur in people of all sizes and shapes. As stated previously, Sleep Apnea has much more to do with the size of your airway than your weight. Although weight can play a part, it is not helpful to think that just because you are at a good weight, you can't have Sleep Apnea. If you currently have Sleep Apnea, losing weight may reduce the severity, to be sure. And maintaining a proper weight is important for all sorts of health reasons. However, we see people of average weight all the time who simply have too small of an airway.
Schedule a Home Sleep Apnea TestThis is a common misconception! Actually, sleep apnea is a very common condition affecting as much as 25% of the American adult population. Chances are you know someone with sleep apnea!
Schedule a Home Sleep Apnea TestBeing frequently tired during the day, even after getting a full nights sleep, snoring, waking up multiple times during the night to use the restroom, high blood pressure, falling asleep during the day, waking up with a headache or body aches, high A1C.
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